Saturday, April 4, 2015

Responding to The Resurrection

We went to a Third Day concert the other day and there was this awesome singer named Harvest Parker there who stole the show. She told a story about the Moravian missionaries (who were so awesome that this doesn't do them justice, btw) who sold themselves into slavery to reach a group in the West Indies who would not allow preachers or missionaries in. As they were heading out, with no hope to ever return, someone passionately yelled, "May the lamb receive the reward of His suffering", which seems to be a summation of Revelation 5 and is also the summation of our celebration of the resurrection, and of Jesus in general. We are unworthy to receive His sacrifice, but He gave it to us anyway. He did it because He loves us and it's the only way to cleanse us in preparation of eternal life with Him. But our job is not just to receive from Him. It's to glorify Him in all that we do! Here's a link to her song, which is very moving (the one in Tallahassee was even better but I didn't get the whole thing on my phone).

The Lord was already working on my boldness when I heard that, and it was reinforced there. This verse below was also so important to me that I couldn't let it go:

"My eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all boldness, Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether by life or death." Phil 1:20

Lord, do not let us be put to shame. Our faith is weak, our evil desires are strong, and the pull of the world is powerful. But You are mighty. When we are yoked with you we can do all things through you, and we ask that you will show this to your enemies. Do not let our humanness put us to shame, but guide us and go before us so all men see your power through our testimonies.

Our pastor at Four Oaks, Paul Gilbert, said, "if your conscience isn't clear you don't make a good witness". Lord, thank-you for forgiving our sins, for dying on the cross, and for returning from the grave three days later--thereby fulfilling the prophesies and completing the transactions of submitting your righteousness and bearing our sin. By your stripes we are healed, we are fully forgiven, clear our consciences and guide our steps away from the sin we so readily return to. Help us to be bold for you, to be strong and courageous, and to share your love with meaning and truth!

Lord, help us to trust you with our lives, and with our deaths. Help us to recognize that we are not our own, and to earnestly desire to be used for your glory, whether your plan takes us to the cross or to the mall. Help us to be real, living sacrifices for you, and to go wherever you send us, with perfect peace and profound love. Your way is the only way we desire.

Because, "my eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all boldness, Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether by life or death." 


  1. You're right, God is totally awesome.

  2. Was it God that saved you or modern medicine and your doctor? I respect your opinions, but you barely acknowledged the hard work of your health providers while giving all thanks to God. Also, what about all the Buddhists and muslims? Are they screwed over because they do not follow your god?

    1. God made me, Jesus saved me from eternal damnation, and through Him I was granted more (at least 3!) healthy years on earth, to spend with my lovely family and friends. I don't know if He enhanced modern medicine to kill off all the cancer, or did it independently. That's His job to know, not mine. If my total healing was possible without God, my doctors would have admitted it. Instead, three independent experts concluded that there was a 0% chance I could ever be cancer-free. So, if all the researchers who evaluated the drugs and the people prescribing and administering the medicine don't think it can do more than decrease the disease, I believe the medicine cannot cure incurable cancer without a miracle.
      All people, of any religion or descent, can have eternal life. God might choose to do big things in muslims and buddhists on earth, but the only way to secure salvation for the long term is to follow Jesus. There's no real trick or formula though. "God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew...Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in His kindness. those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand...because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 11:2; 22, 15:21, 10:9)
