Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Better Reminder

Turns out I didn't need to try too hard to remember God's awesomeness, so I wanted to share and end on a better note than the semi-depressed one I left earlier. I keep a faded little note in my purse that comforts me, but it's been there so long now I sometimes forget about it. I noticed it and remembered today though, and feel amazing now.

Soon after my diagnosis an important verse to me was Zephaniah 3:17. That was new to me, it's not like I read a lot of minor prophets, but I recorded it in my journal. Then, right after the miraculous PET scan results, Yaacov and I went to a coffee shop and the owner gave me a rolled up "blessing". I guess they have different scriptures on them, and I was expecting something like, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son..." (John 3:16). But what do you know? My little blessing quoted Zephaniah 3:17! The verse itself is comforting, and the way He brought that all back around and described that amazing moment was perfect. He is perfect, and His love is perfect. No matter how ridiculous and unfair the circumstances seem, they all work together for our longterm best interests. It's just so hard to see because we have no real clue what "longterm" means when it's involving the afterlife too.

Zeph 3:17, "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

Zephaniah was talking about my God. Your God. Our God. He who takes GREAT DELIGHT in you. HE will REJOICE OVER YOU. It does not matter what a piece of crap you've been your whole life. It's not too late. You might be unlovable to everyone you know, but not to Him. He will quiet you with His love. No one deserves this unconditional love. In fact, we all have done something specifically to be UNWORTHY of it. But He loves us in spite of what we've done. In spite of who we are.

1 comment:

  1. Yeh i beleive on GOd too much. whenever i sneez and have a minor problem i always call GOd for help and always look at him. Why? i have faith on him. i know when i was going to my grave after breast cancer he pulled me out from grave and giv me a healthy happy life.
