Thursday, October 31, 2013

Not Enough

It's been almost 2 years since my diagnosis. This time in 2012 my dad drove from West Palm (7 hours) to watch the girls while I went for an ultrasound on the lump in my breast. I had prayed for immediate, good news and that is what I got. Too bad we learned a few weeks later that they were wrong!!!! During the ultrasound the technician proudly announced that my lump was just a clogged milk duct and cancelled the mammogram I was supposed to have right after. I thought that meant my dad had driven all the way across the state to help for no reason, and I had missed Abigail's Halloween parade, which was at her school at the same time. Of course, when we learned that it was actually a misdiagnosis and I had cancer, those details turned out to be the least of my worries.

I will always think of that day around Halloween, and it was on my mind today as I watched my biggest baby march proudly around the school in her unicorn costume. I can say with absolute certainty that she is no worse for having gone through my cancer and treatments with me. In fact, her faith is stronger and she sees the Lord in more things than before. We prayed so much that the girls would not be destroyed because of the attacks from the Destroyer, and God definitely answered those prayers. Plus, obviously, many, many more.

By the end of today's parade I was smacked in the face with the reality that the world didn't stop being a horrible place just because the Lord healed me. I learned that a strong, young believer named Jaime is days from death. She was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer when she had an infant, and that little boy is now 4 years old. By all accounts, that little guy is about to lose his mother. The cancer is in her liver and is causing her excruciating pain.

I remember ruminating once that this is how it goes: First, everyone has high hopes, then that fades and so do the prayers and belief that a miracle could occur. Finally it gets so bad that everyone starts praying for death to take you, to put you out of your misery. I think this has happened with Jaime's family. She has a husband and parents who love her and no one can stand seeing her in this pain. I imagine she would rather not live more days like this but feels so guilty succumbing because of her child. Her son. Her lovely, precious, and perfect son.

I don't know the boy's name but I know he's wonderful. And that he doesn't understand. And that he's on track to have to go through all the awful issues I prayed my own children could avoid. I often think the good Lord answered my prayers for my daughter's sake...and with some difficulty I'm going to stretch my faith for this next part: I BELIEVE HE WILL ANSWER OUR PRAYERS TO ENTIRELY HEAL JAIME . For His glory.

Many people remind me that He doesn't heal us all, but (I will say it again, and again), who are we to decide who He will heal? If we pray halfheartedly for healing "because He only heals some of us", do we actually follow His command to pray in faith (James 5)? And to pray AND believe (Mark 11:24)? Are we actually doing it because we afraid that if he doesn't heal the person and we thought He would, we will lose faith in Him? Is it just an easy way out to not really put our hearts into praying for healing?

It takes some difficulty to believe Jaime will be healed, but I am doing it. I did it for Debora and when He healed her it was so much more meaningful to me than if I had been just watching from the sidelines. Or waiting for her to die. So I challenge you all to pray with me. To suspend all understanding of what you know about science and the way things usually work, and to go all out in your prayers and belief that she will be healed. Ignore Satan and His lies. Those that whisper "it's too late" and "no one is healed at this point". By definition a miracle is a supernatural, unexpected change that we cannot explain away. So we do not lose the hope that He gave us two years ago. Or last week. We maintain this hope and earnest expectation of the good news to come.

Come, let us glorify the Lord together. We shall rejoice together for the upcoming healing of  the Lord's daughter, Jaime. For her sake, for her son's sake, and for yours.

Psalm 17:17
Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in them from their foes.


  1. I picked my crying new born up out of his cradle, held his face to mine, closed my eyes and prayed and believed that Jaime would be healed. When I opened my eyes after this short prayer, my son smiled his first smile at me which lasted many seconds. That was so surreal. Please also pray that my mother will be completely healed of stage 4 breast cancer. Her name is Cheryl, a mother of three, grandmother of two. Thanks.

  2. Praying for Jamie and also, my husband Ryan. I love the reminder to pray, no matter what!

  3. We are praying for Cheryl and Ryan, plus your mom Susy. Please keep us updated so we can properly pray and thank the Lord for His goodness!

  4. Erin,

    You have such a gift with words. Thank you for your belief and faith. It lifts me up when mine is weak. I agree 100% with all you said about faith and healing. I CHOOSE to believe!!!!
