Saturday, December 7, 2013


I haven't posted in awhile because I needed time to digest, grieve, accept, and finally... rejoice over the loss of Jaime VanOrden. She's the one I begged you all to pray for in my last post. The one I stretched my faith to believe would be healed, and the one who died anyway, leaving me dazed and confused. 

I never met Jaime but I heard enough about her, and followed her friends' posts and updates to know that it was all by the book. I mean, The Book. She was a devout believer who wanted to live to raise her son. Tons of people prayed that she would be healed, and she even claimed it until the end. And now she is healed, but not on earth like I believed. She is in heaven, filled with more love than any of us down here could ever imagine.

There were a few times since my own healing that I started wondering if some of those denominations were right in their belief that everyone could be healed if they just did what the Bible says. My church and family don't believe that, so it was a stretch, but it would have answered a few questions. First, it would explain why Pentecostal denominations that emphasize healing see more healing. Because they expect God will do it and He does! It would also explain why I was healed myself, and would put an exclamation at the end of a few verses like, Exodus 23:25, "Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you,", James 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.", and Matthew 21:21, "Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done."

It is controversial to believe that everyone could be healed. When people aren't that into the debate, they push the possibility aside because there are so many Christians who die of illnesses. But when you've been healed or through some other type of miracle, it opens other realms of thought. And you start thinking maybe those people could have lived if they'd really believed, etc. Plus, my beliefs aren't dictated by the masses. If they were I wouldn't be sitting here in perfect health with a Bible on my lap.

So anyway, I really started seeking the Lord on this healing business, and when I heard how ill Jaime was I put my whole heart into praying for her. It was hard to believe she would be healed, but I made myself do it. Because we know all about the times that Jesus healed people because of the faith of their friends (e.g. Mth 8:5-13). 

God answered me when Jaime died. I know now without a doubt that He does not heal everyone. We (she had a huge group of believers praying for her) did everything that the glorious Word says. Checked off all the boxes. But she was still buried.

I am so sad for her family and friends. Especially with those who had the nerve to pray and believe that she would be healed. It's such a downer, and opens up doubts that niggle at our faith. But God is good. Note that I didn't say, "He is STILL good". Because that would be indicating He did something bad in the first place. He didn't. In the heavenly realm, where He is infinitely more intelligent than we are, where the whole picture can be seen and doesn't need interpretation, the earthly death of Jaime is a victory. She was a sinner (like all of us) and the wages of that sin is eternal damnation. But because of proclaiming the name of our Messiah, for depending upon and clinging to Him, she was saved for eternal glory. To spend forever praising His name with no tears, sadness, or pain. 

I learned it is still true that "It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God's mercy." (Romans 9:15). He will not be put in a box. We cannot follow a list of rules taken from the Bible to get them out of the hospital, any more than we can follow such rules to drag them into heaven with us. We are back to square one, worshiping Him with all our being and depending on the Holy Spirit to do the rest. We must still pray and believe He will answer as commanded, but be resolved that the One who knows it all makes the decisions.

For my part, I'm glad to know the truth, and see that going through the motions to "get someone healed" can not replace the value of brokenness. It takes the control off each of us and puts it back onto our burden-bearer. Where it belongs. I was going to title this post, "Bad News" but that would be inaccurate. The truth is, it is GOOD news to know He is in charge, He is involved, He is a personal God. He has great plans for us that are better than the misery we are suffering through today. One day our pain will be gone, the purposes clear, and the truth declared for all. That is GREAT news.

1 comment:

  1. Great news indeed... From an eternally sovereign God who was & is & is to come. Praising His holy name for revealing Himself to His people and, particularly, for putting this post in my path tonight. God bless you abundantly sister in Christ, and I pray the peace that passes understanding will guard your heart & mind during this difficult season of great loss, in Jesus mighty, saving, name.
