Sunday, May 22, 2022

At Last, an Update!

I think a lot has happened since the last post. I believe in this time we've had a PET scan and results, as well as the final two harshest treatments. We thought the PET scan went well. Dr. Rassam called it, "beautiful". Yaacov took an extra week off to recover because his white blood count (think of that as his immune system, so "down" is bad, "up" is good) was still down, and he was completely worn out. The week off helped him so much, and by the end of it he seemed to be back to his old self!

Unfortunately, the next time he saw Dr. Rassam he was told the scan results weren't as good as we'd understood them to be, and that it's critical that his job right now is to go through chemo. We consulted with our oncologist-radiologist and they agreed that radiation would only hurt him (too many tumors, and they're right at his heart). So basically this chemo is the only earthly solution to get rid of all the cancer. He can't handle any more of the one he was having, so he just finished the harshest drug cocktail available. For the rest of the summer he will still have chemo every two weeks, but it'll be without the most powerful drug. We are praying this is potent enough to kill it all, but that it's much easier on his body.

Overall, here's a summary of the good news and implications: the cancer is shrinking and he can still have a lot of a good chemo cocktail. The Lord has sustained him and all our family thus far, and Yaacov has hardly had to miss any of the important things going on. Also, between chemo treatments he usually has about a week of improved health. Plus of course, there are several more weeks of potentially cancer-curing treatments left.

Sadly, there is plenty of bad news, and we ask that you'd consider praying for us about all of it. The news that the scan showed the cancer hasn't shrunk as much as we'd hoped is obviously scary, because the goal is to eradicate it all and to keep it from returning. But most significantly on a daily basis, Yaacov is so, so, so, so sick. Even knowing how my own massive cancer treatments went, I had no idea he would ever be this miserable. Each treatment hits him faster, harder, and for longer. Always different stuff. I found him last night shaking with chills, which he hadn't had in months. He's often too weak to walk and has taken many falls. He's in bed for almost the whole first week after each treatment, and the emotional torture all this causes him is excruciating to watch. We really need the Lord's help.

Last night, Naomi had a dance recital. Yaacov couldn't go because his white blood count is back down and he honestly couldn't have even handled the car ride to the auditorium anyway. I couldn't help but remember back to when Abi was 4, and the Lord had miraculously healed me right before her ballet recital. I was still bald and going through chemo, but the the joy and relief was palpable as I got to hold Baby Naomi while watching Abi dance. It was one of the best moments of my life. And now, 10-years later I'm in good health watching Naomi dance her own heart out. 

I know it is the enemy who kept Yaacov from enjoying Naomi's dance last night. What could steal our joy of my own healing like him being terribly sick? I read in 2 Samuel (21:15-16) about King David dealing with a giant. Everyone knows the story of David and Goliath--when David was just a boy he bravely took out a giant with a slingshot. Well, decades later he had to deal with another giant. He was already weary from constant war and this giant threatened David. The Lord didn't have him bring a slingshot to deal this time. Instead a friend came to his aid and attacked the giant. This reminds me how the Lord makes all things new. We can't expect him to always arm us with faith and a slingshot. Sometimes He fights for us in different ways. Please join us in prayer that He fights for Yaacov in new ways, and that we all get to see the Lord's glory in healing Yaacov. 

As I reminisce through the last ten years of dance recitals, I can't stop thinking about the one from 10-years ago, while Abi danced to a Veggie Tales song called, "His Banner over me is Love". A banner in the Bible is a bold proclamation that is indisputable. I pray right now that all who read this know, believe, and act on the truth from that song: "The Lord is mine and I am His, His banner over me is love, His banner over me is love". 

His banner over Yaacov, over me, and over you is LOVE.


  1. Erin, I work with Yaakob at FCRR, and am praying for your entire family. You might want to look into Camp Kessem for your girls. One of my son’s high school friends works for the Organization. 🙏🏻

  2. Sorry, my name is Lisa Rosenthal.
