Thursday, January 3, 2013

Still Recovering...and Upcoming Events

I am definitely still recovering from the DIEP surgery. I have had many moments of regretting the surgery. I don't know if it was too soon or just because I happen to have gotten sick at the same time. Everyone I spent time with at Christmas got sick, so it wasn't just because my immune system was down, but it hit me so hard I keep blaming the surgery. I still feel about 50% of normal.

It is a new year and so far it's been great. I've had no cancer, no surgeries, no chemo or radiation, not even any doctor's visits. Oh, no miraculous healings either. I still can't drive so have been mostly sitting at home playing with the kids. It's been incredibly peaceful and I'm not stir crazy at all. I think the Lord was trying to show me I don't need to be so busy all the time.

So anyway, toward the end of last year I became hesitant to talk about my healing. I just felt burnt out and maybe I wanted to move on. Then on a trip to Gainesville I heard this heart-breaking story on the radio about a young (single) mother with stage 4 cancer. I absolutely lost it. I was almost convulsing with sobs as I drove and thought about it. God used that to motivate me. He reminded me that He has changed my heart--forever--to really care for, pray for, and minister to, people with cancer. It's part of me now and I'm sort of incomplete when I'm not doing it. I began to pray for more opportunities to share the story He blessed me with. Within about 24 hours I had three new opportunities, all of them unexpected. One will be on Easter. I was invited to share my story at a small local church called Mosaic ( The pastor there was my pastor at Chi Alpha that I went to as a grad student and I gave my normal testimony there way back then. It will be different people but still a great "follow-up" to share the more recent news. The next two opportunities will take me completely out of my comfort zone. One will be for the Joanna Francis Living Well Foundation, which is that local group I attend events for. They are having a fashion show as a fundraiser on Valentine's Day and I will be in it. If you know me well you know I would normally hate to walk down a runway while everyone stares at me. But God has a sense of humor. Back when I was at my prettiest (in college), I wouldn't have hated it as much. But now that I'm at my ugliest (not putting myself down, just saying the truth), I have to strut down a runway and act like I think I look like hot stuff. However, I will be able to do it because I am the least focused on outer beauty that I have ever been. Hopefully feeling blessed on the inside will help a lot. It isn't a direct opportunity to share what God did, but anytime I get attention for surviving cancer the story comes out, and I guess this group is one God needs to be glorified around. Finally, on Feb. 23 I will be getting a makeover for the Tallahassee Magazine Top Salon contest. Basically, all these local hair salons each pick a model who they think deserves a makeover, and we get free clothes from Narcissus, free tooth whitening, a nutritionist, short term gym membership, and some other great perks. The contest is supposed to be how the hair salon improves us, but a lot of the judging goes by the model's personal story. I think last year someone made over a homeless person and she won. The winning salon wins advertising in the magazine and money donated in their name to their favorite charity. Haute Headz is doing mine, so if they win the money will go to the Joanna Francis Living Well Foundation. One of the owners of Haute Headz, Darcy Cavell, is a breast cancer survivor so it all goes together.

Other health issues that need prayer:
My friend, Sarah Allen collapsed today and they think it might be appendicitis. Please be praying for her correct diagnosis, perfect healing and easy recovery!

I mentioned Aly from Texas' scans last time and the results came back cancer-free, woohoo!!!!!

January 9: Alison with the rare stomach sarcoma is going to MD Anderson to see an expert. That just happens to be the same exact day I went last year! You all know my awful experience there so please pray that she gets only good news. She has had two clear scans and doesn't need anything to bring her down. Please pray she will see the right doctor/s, ask the right questions, and know what to do in the future. And keep praying she remains permanently cancer-free.

January 11: Debora Passetti fundraiser at Four Oaks. I'm terrified that the turnout won't be big enough. We are only charging $5/ person so we really need a lot of people to show up. Please pray the right people will come and the family and everyone donating time, talents or money is blessed. Her recent scan came back as improved but not clear and I believe she went off chemo (after 21 weeks of it) and onto Arimidex. Please pray those side effects will be minimal and that God will take the rest of the cancer away immediately. And permanently.

January 14: My friend Jessica with the lung cancer has a scan scheduled. Each has been showing improvement but that's not enough. Pray for every last cell to be gone.

Let's pray and believe that 2013 will be the year of healing!!!!!!!!!!

Psalm 103: 15-19, "As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more; And its place acknowledges it no longer. But the lovingkindness of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, And His righteousness to children’s children, To those who keep His covenant, And who remember His precepts to do them. The LORD has established His throne in the heavens; And His sovereignty rules over all."


  1. I read your posts on this blog and look forward to it. It inspires me. Thanks for sharing your "gift"-esp. the verses from the Bible-so helpful.
    Love ya, Uncle Jamison

  2. I'm wondering if you'd share the name of your doctor's and/or the treatment plan they used for you? A family friend, mom of 4, in her early 40's was just diagnosed with stage IV three weeks ago and her doctor basically told her it was untreatable. I know that's wrong but would love if God would use your doctor's to grant her a miracle too! (ann and victor @ gmail . com)

    1. I just emailed you from so keep an eye out. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. We will be praying and believing that God will do this miracle. He works in amazing ways, and whether it's through a doctor, a drug, or a little mud from the parking lot, it will be for His glory and we will all rejoice!

  3. We at BFFL Co provide unique products, information and support for patients Breast cancer gift bags or other surgeries, to help them recover with comfort, convenience and dignity.
