Thursday, March 31, 2022

Health Update

I haven’t been great about posting, but I think most people in our lives get updates separately anyway. That might not be true for long though, because we have to go off the grid. Yaacov has critically low white blood cells (literally ZERO), so keeping him healthy is a matter of life and death. He’s quarantined and for now the rest of us don’t have to stay away from him, but we are going to be extra-diligent and might end up locking ourselves up just in case. 

He had chemo today, which was his third one. He has another in two weeks and then a scan before making decisions. But Dr. Rassam can feel the first tumor shrinking and I think all (or most) of his associated pain is gone! Unfortunately, he feels the worst he’s ever felt today and when he does walk around I stay close in case he needs help. Describing this as “hard” is an understatement.

We do have some good reports and I’m trying to focus on those. You might have heard of some of these recent struggles: our fridge, washing machine, van, and garbage disposal all broke. And then I got a speeding ticket. But, We were able to get a new fridge, then someone BOUGHT us a washing machine!!!! We are still overwhelmed by this. Speechless. In the meantime friends and my mom have done our laundry, and many others offered. Oh, and my van needed a new engine, but Honda Care unexpectedly covered the majority of this cost! People have given us gift cards, too, and others have been bringing us meals. I hardly have to cook at all, and when Yaacov has an appetite he LOVES the variety and fun that comes with other people than me doing the cooking! 

So, we feel like we’re in a war and we are. The enemy loves to prowl around and try to devour the children of God. But we know that all things work together for good for those who are called according to His (God’s) purpose (Romans 8:28). We are definitely called to declare the great news of all The Lord has done, so if these momentary troubles are part of this season, we know He will also strengthen and enable us to continue. 

Overall, there is a lot of bad stuff going on, but we are all amazed by the generosity and encouragement of those around us. We really don’t deserve it but are incredibly grateful. 

1 comment:

  1. Erin, I am so glad for the ways God is providing and for your eyes to see His goodness amidst this trial. We love you guys and are always praying.
