Monday, August 29, 2022

Last Treatment

The time has come! Today is Yaacov’s last chemo treatment. That means it’s time to reminisce and to pray that all the cancer is gone.

I just saw a FB reel of someone leaving his last treatment with a big crowd cheering him on, and I remember how I felt at my own final treatment, so many years ago. I wish I’d thought to organize something cool for Yaacov’s last one, but alas, I did not. I do have something better than a celebration though—I’ll ask for all who read this to please pray that his upcoming scan shows all the cancer is gone!

I’m guessing he will get the scan in about a week, then we will have the results the week after. We know that the chemo was working early on, because there was less shown on that scan and all of the lumps protruding from his body decreased. But, as you know if you’ve been following along, it hadn’t shrunk as much as we had hoped by then. With no other treatment options, the results of the scan will tell us everything the natural world knows about his future. My heart is racing as I think of it.

Fortunately, no matter what that scan says, we are not as affected by things in the natural world as some. Because we serve and trust in the very God who created the world and everything in it. We are confident that He has all control over cancer, scans, and chemo. We pray that it is His will for Yaacov to have many more decades of health on earth, but we not only believe the Lord’s plan is best, but we also really do know that heaven is better than earth. Yaacov just isn’t at the point of begging to be there instead of here, yet.

Anyway, please pray for Yaacov’s physical recovery from all the chemo that has been attacking his body. Pray for wisdom as he navigates the balance between work and rest, and in the choices he makes to regain strength and health. Pray for peace as we wait for scan results, and that we trust in the Lord through it all.

Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7


  1. Praying for complete healing and a full recovery of his appetite so we can schedule a double date soon! Love to you both!

  2. Prayed and will continue to pray for clear scans and peace and strength that is not known to this world. Love you both. ❤️

  3. We will continue to pray for him and the family.

  4. Praying for Yaacov and your family. God is good.

  5. Continuing my prayers and sending love

  6. Praying for God’s peace as you wait for the results and hope the scans will reveal a miracle!❤️🙏🏻❤️
