Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Hebrews 3:14, "We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first." Guess what my confidence was at first? "I WILL NOT DIE BUT LIVE AND WILL PROCLAIM WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE" (Psalm 118:17).

So there.


  1. Erin. I am your sister in Christ, your family member at Four Oaks. Your cheerleader on the sidelines, and your "hammer hander" (what would you like to smash? it's really great cheap therapy)
    I hate cancer. and I am mad.
    But I love Jesus. And he is good.
    I have no great quote, or verse to repeat. (I could say a million of them, but only the voice of God in your ear could bring the peace that I wish for you) I believe in his word. I cling to his Hope. Iknow he can heal. I trust He is Good. I Love Him for the Cross.
    It's the only place we can stand and be on perfectly common ground.

  2. Sending love and prayers from your WW sisters. . . stay strong, Erin!!
